This project features Christine Coughlin, the co-founder of YVRmomscreative

One of the many reasons I love my job as a fashion stylist is the opportunity to meet wonderful people from different walks of life and learn about them, their passion, vision, and the values that guide their life.

This is exactly how I felt while working with Christine. Her love for good, self-expressive fashion was clear from our very first conversation. While consulting and sharing ideas with Christine, a few words kept coming up in our conversations that really stood out for me:

  • Playful

  • Empowering

  • Grounded

  • Relatable

We used these words when describing her style. But they really exemplify who Christine is as a person. These are her values, and she shares them in a deeper way with a community of creative mothers, @yvrmomscreative, which she co-founded.

Working with someone who understands who she is, what she wants, and how she wants it makes the personal styling process feel much smoother and seamless. All we had to do was find the right clothing pieces that reflected her and how she wanted to express herself.

Christine has an hourglass body shape; one thing to note about this body shape is you want to highlight those curves in every outfit. This was one of our main goals when selecting what to wear for a @yvrmomscreative event she hosted recently.

We had to be very intentional in choosing the perfect outfit. We went with pieces that showcased her features in a way that would be a reflection of how she wanted to be perceived in her sphere of influence.

The colours of the final outfits were carefully selected to represent her brand. Overall, it was a successful event that left a lasting impression on everyone who attended.

Although Christine's understanding of her values helped the styling process, most people are still figuring themselves out. As a personal stylist, it is my job to help you understand who you are and curate outfits that reflect your personality, preferences, and values.

If you’ll like to learn more about yourself by discovering your personal style, book a free consultation with me today.


Photoshoot Branding - Zee / Personal Branding


Elegance at work - Mwila / Personal styling