You Don't Have To Spend a Lot of Money To Look Good

This is the most common myth people have about clothes because of the rise in luxury clothing. I say this all the time, 'Luxury clothing isn’t about style.’ It’s more about the quality of the clothes.'

Knowing how to dress yourself has nothing to do with the amount of money you spend on getting clothes. You can buy all the clothes you love and still feel like you have nothing to wear, while someone else can have a handful of clothes and style themselves better. When it comes to being fashionable, you can use whatever is given to you to look good, whether in large quantities or smaller quantities.

I watch fashion shows a lot, and in the recent season of Next in Fashion, the designers were asked to use old clothing to create a new outfit in 4 hours. For the longest time, I had always wondered why these shows gave designers limited time to create an outfit. However, this episode made me realize that it wasn’t about what they had available that made them good designers. It was about what they understood

What you understand about your personal style and the types of clothes you wear is what makes you look good, stylish, classy, etc. It has nothing to do with the amount of clothes you buy or the money you spend. Although some items are worth spending a lot of money on because of their worth, there’s no rule that says that every luxury clothing item has to be acquired.

To be honest, it’s not every expensive item that is good-looking. I say this because this brand called MSCHF released a men’s big boot in the color red, ranging between $300 - $500 USD. In my opinion, these shoes aren’t the cutest or the most functional boots. If I were to take the same amount of money, I could get better shoes from other good designers for a cheaper price. This example highlighted that looking good doesn’t always require a financial investment. While it primarily relates to trends, it effectively demonstrates the point that you can achieve a stylish appearance without spending a lot of money.

When going shopping next time, I want you to think first about what suits you, what is very functional for you based on your lifestyle, and then buy your clothes with that mindset. I highly recommend that you avoid buying clothes just because they look good, they are expensive, or you saw someone wear them. I want you to always remember that

“What you understand about yourself is what makes you look good.”


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