In Your Little
There is a common notion of ‘perfect time’ or ‘perfect timing’ in our society today. People believe that there is a perfect and exact time to kickstart projects. Many are waiting for a perfect time to go back to school, or start saving, start a business, change jobs, and so on.
Although, I believe there is a time for everything. Yet, I wonder where we draw the line between waiting for a perfect time and taking advantage of the time we have?
“Start where you are, ‘Use what you have’, ‘Do what you can.” - Arthur Ashe
In 2 Kings 4:1-7, the bible talks about a widow who is believed to have been the wife of Obadiah. Obadiah had passed away and left his wife with two sons and his debts. After his death, Obadiah’s creditors asked his widow to pay all the debts but she had no money.
The creditors threatened to take her two sons away and make them their slaves if she didn’t pay the debts soon. Hearing this, the widow rose up with her two sons, and together, they paid Prophet Elisha a visit.
Elisha was known as the wonder-working prophet. He was familiar with Obadiah and knew all about the family’s situation. When the widow met Elisha, he asked, “What do you have in the house?” She replied, “Nothing at all, except a flask of Olive Oil.” “Borrow as many empty jars as you can from your friends and neighbours. Then go into your house with your sons and shut the door behind you. Pour Olive oil from your flask into the jars, setting each one aside when it is filled.” He said.
Let’s recap this scenario:
A widow, who should be mourning her dead husband, is being threatened for her husband’s debts. Her sons’ freedom is on the line and the prophet, she runs to for help, asks her to borrow empty jars and fill them with oil.
How could that possibly be a solution? What do oil and jars have to do with debts? Shouldn’t the prophet ask her to negotiate more time with the creditors or make a payment plan so she can pay off her debts? Shouldn’t the prophet ask God to, supernaturally, provide money for her?
Here’s how the story ends:
The widow did as Elisha suggested. She borrowed as many empty jars as she could and poured the single flask of olive oil, that she had, into the jars. To her surprise, that single - little - flask of olive oil filled all the empty jars. Realizing this, she went back to Elisha and told him what had happened.
He advised her to sell the jars of oil, use the revenue to pay off her creditors, and keep the surplus for herself and her sons.
The widow’s small, little, single flask of olive oil was the key to solving her problems. She wouldn’t have realized this if she neglected Elisha’s words, disregarded the little flask, didn’t do the work of gathering empty jars, and pouring the oil into them. She didn’t need to wait for the perfect time to have all the money her creditors needed. Instead, she made the best out of the little time she had. She could have lost all she had if she didn’t use the little she had.
Like the widow, you may be facing a challenge right now. The situation you’re in right now may not be perfect, ideal, or bearable. You may be struggling with fear, doubt, and anxiety as things seem to be spiralling out of control. This season of life may be your toughest yet. Whatever your emotions may be right now, they are valid.
However, God has deposited something - little - within and around you and He is calling your attention to it.
The widow’s future was all but done. She had lost a lot but she was about to lose even more. God was on her side so He called her attention to the little time and resource He had already given her. God is always on your side and today, He wants you to pay attention to the little things around you that He is going to use to bring you out of your situation.
Your little could be gifts or talents you have. It could be a window of opportunity that is available to you right now. It could be the community you’re blessed with or an idea you've overlooked.
I don’t know what your little is but I know your little exists. If you don’t know what your little is, say a prayer to God. Ask Him to reveal your little to you and He will guide your spirit towards a certain activity, resource, person, or idea.
Usually, your little is an unattractive option. You may have a million reasons not to explore it but I encourage you not to dismiss it. Don’t wait for a superficial perfect time to get started. Your little is your starting point.
The answers you have been searching for are in your little. Start with it.