4 Things To Work On As You Pursue Your Dreams


My dream is to be a professional footballer. 

This means a lot to me. It is something that I work towards every day. In many ways, I believe that football allows me to serve. It is an outlet for me to keep communities entertained but also to contribute to their development over time. Football empowers me to be a positive influence to many. It gives me a platform from which I can share the good news of Jesus Christ and win souls for God’s kingdom. This is my dream. 

As an aspiring footballer, I know that I am blessed with a talent. I’m also aware that it takes a lot of hard and smart work to cultivate talent to a level where it can be productive and consistent. I know that I have to keep growing and developing in many ways so I can reach the heights I desire.

As I push towards my dream, these are the areas of my life that I’m actively working on:

  1. Faith: If you have a dream that you truly believe in, you need to have faith to keep going. God is at the centre of my dream and my walk with him inspires me to keep believing in myself. Frankly, it is impossible to please God without faith. This means that if every God-given dream requires faith to actualize it. I know God’s plan for me is perfect and by faith (coupled with work), they will come to pass. 

  2. Hard Work: We all know that nothing good comes easy. To be great, you must be willing to put in the work. With every workout, training or football practice I have, I work towards building my work ethics. I recognize that talent and faith may open doors for me but hard work, consistency and diligence will keep me there. I know God’s rooting for me so all I can do is stay focused and keep working hard and smart to perfect my craft.

  3. Silence the noise: A dream is a personal experience. When you have dreams at night, no one else has that dream with you. You may decide to share details of the dream with others but they may never understand or believe it as much as you do. I need to know how to deal with external influences or people who may not understand or believe in my dream. I have decided to silence the noise as often as possible. The only thing that can stop me is me. So it’s up to me to truly believe in myself and keep going and growing in the face of doubt or discouragement.

  4. God’s word: The bible reminds me of God’s promises. I hold on to His promises. His word empowers me to keep working and praying harder. Verses like Isaiah 60: 22, and Ephesians 3: 20 remind me that at the appointed time, things will fall into place and assures me that God can and will do exceedingly more than I can imagine. God’s promises are true. When things seem difficult or confusing, we can always rely on the truth in his word.

These are the key areas of my life that I am working on as I push towards my goals. By focusing on these areas, I have seen my faith, devotion, commitment and diligence grow. I speak daily affirmations to myself to remind me of God’s word. I invest in resources that help me study and grow in my knowledge of God and my craft. Mamba mentality, a state of mind inspired by the life and work ethics of the great late Kobe Bryant, helps me become a better version of myself with each waking moment.

For me, it is professional football. For you, it could be anything else. I want you to hang on and believe. Your dreams are valid. God has your back. Keep working hard and smart. It may take time but you will get there. I’m rooting for you. God bless you. MG7 to the world.


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