Why Wellbeing Matters
We tend to make plans at the beginning of the year but don’t follow through with them. I’m guilty of this too. These plans are often skewed towards one area of my life and don’t include enough practical steps to be better in other areas. This year, I’m learning to be more realistic with my plans and make sure they give me the best opportunity for growth in all areas of my life.
3 John 1:2 (NLT): Dear friend, I hope all is well with you and that you are as healthy in body as you are strong in spirit.
This verse highlights how God cares about our wellbeing. Wellbeing consists of our spiritual, physical, and mental/emotional health. It also includes other areas of our lives like relationships, academic, career, business, and finances. God wants us to be well in all we do.
With this in mind, I created a wellbeing guide that helps me identify the aspects of my life’s key areas that I need to pay attention to. This guide is useful when I’m praying. As I pray or meditate, I ask the Holy Spirit to show me how to be better in different areas of my life. Often, when I do this, I address the following questions about each area:
What is the state of my life in this area?
What kind of growth do I want to see in this area?
What do I need to work on to grow?
These questions help me dig deeper and assess myself to know what I need to improve on to be a better version of myself. I have found my wellbeing guide to be useful and beneficial each year. Each year comes with a new season, and each season requires us to make better and healthy decisions. By addressing these questions, I can narrow down what I need to do each season.
When we pay attention to our wellbeing, we give ourselves a better chance to grow and achieve our goals. It is good to pray, but we have to play a role by being mindful of our health and wellbeing to be the best version of ourselves. The Holy Spirit is always available to us to pray and grow.
This year and beyond, I encourage you to prioritize your well-being—narrow down aspects of all areas of your life that you want to see progress. Make the most of this well-being map and let it guide you to put in the right choices for each area of your life.
This year, I plan to develop my eating habits and be more physically active. How do you plan to take care of yourself this year?